jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

Make Your Online Identity Safe Again (5) - My Necessary Post On Net Neutrality.

I know I'm not American, and that this doesn't affect me right now but when it comes to politics and services Mexico likes to copy the practices of the USA.

As far as I understand, right now the Internet is protected by the US government, and when you get a service, no matter which one it is, you will have access to all the sites no matter who is the owner of the site or what content it is displaying, and your service provider cannot interfere with it.

The Net Neutrality War has been fought several times in the past, but now more than ever is looking that it is going to die. I will leave a link to a video where the whole topic is better explained and let's hope this doesn't escalate. It would be a very sad day for the Internet.

1 comentario:

  1. I think this is important even to non-americans. Here in MX legislation is often copied or inspired on US law, so if net neutrality dies over there it is very likely it'll fall here too.
